

Mr. Antonio De Silva
Italian’s language and culture TeacherCultural Mediator
 Public translator and Official Interpreter of Brazilian State by JUCEMA-Maranhão

Are you searching for Italian’s language and Culture courses in São Luís? Mr. Antonio can offer you. He is also certified Translator and Interpreter.

Mr.  Antonio lived in Italy for about 15 years, where he graduated in Philosophy and Theology in Verona, Italian Language and Culture  at University for Foreigners of Siena and even made a Master degree in Sciences of Religions (Verona and Ireland).

Mr.Antonio Lived in  Rome, Ancona, Macerata, Verona, Turin, Udine,Ireland (Dublin and Galway), and has known all over Europe.

Mr. Antonio  has  a deep knowledge of Italian’s Culture and Language. He is official Interpreter of Brazilian State ( Ad HOC) and Cultural Mediador. In São Luís you can find his courses at Skill Language School. Place: Cohab, São Luís-MA; next to Catholic Church.                                                                            

Look for someone who understands! In São Luís he is  the best able to teach "Italian Language and Culture. "

Do not waste
 Contact him now and participate in its collective and private courses.

Celular OI: (98) 8724-3022 / TIM: 8183-7666
E-mail: toninoverona@hotmail.com